Saturday, July 26, 2014

Some more dead buffalo

Occasionally, the dead animals are loaded up and dumped out of sight. Here is a picture of a dead horse being carried away, with a dying buffalo in the background.
Sometimes the dead animals are dumped on other people's land. Here are the bodies of a horse and a buffalo, dumped on a remote logging road on a neighbor's land. when confronted, the farm manager first claimed that the animals dumped themselves there. When we pointed out that they would have had to open a good steel fence, then close it behind themselves to do so, he suggested that this was someone else's buffalo. There are no other buffalo kept nearby, and the last wild buffalo in the area was killed in 1799.

Some dead calves.

Typical corral conditions. Little or no food, no water except the urine and excrement-tainted puddles.
another corral

Here is a dead horse festering in a corral , infecting the only feed source for the other animals. I have personally witnessed this happen three different times.
But at least there is some straw in the corral, which is not usually the case.

Here is a dead adult buffalo in almost exactly the same place as below, but taken on 3/4/2014

Adult Buffalo dead 7/5/2014
A different Adult dying, also on 7/5/14. this animal was dead by the next morning